Our Curriculum

At Vera, our endeavour is to provide the children with a world class education. Our curriculum is derived by incorporating global best practices. Everyone learns best when steered by their own interests, which is why children’s interests play a central role in our curriculum. We believe that every child has rights – the right to be heard, seen and listened to. We view children as unique individuals with their own ideas, thoughts, and needs, which is why we focus on their physical and emotional wellbeing alongside their academic development. Our pedagogy helps children build their self-confidence as learners through positive emotional experiences and we nurture children’s curiosity by encouraging them to ask questions and use their imaginations. Children develop all sorts of skills through play, such as cognitive, social, emotional physical and critical thinking abilities. At Vera, the children engage in both free-play and play-based activities because we strongly believe that children do not play to learn but learn as they play.
At Vera, our curriculum incorporates the best features of the high-quality research based Finnish pedagogy and is deeply influenced by the Reggio Emilia approach and the International Baccalaureate (IB). Our expert Curriculum Development team has curated the modules to suit the Indian framework.
An important element of our pedagogy, is to create a Culture of Trust. We believe that positive cooperation and trust between the teachers and families has significant long-term effect on a child’s learning journey.
Powered by HEI Schools, Finland
At Vera, we use a high-quality, research based curriculum from Finland. Finnish curriculum combines the best and latest learning philosophies, models and practices with continuous development to meet the highest standards in education. Learning is considered to be a lifelong process. Finnish pedagogy believes in guiding children towards a healthy lifestyle that promotes overall wellbeing, and supports their emotional development and ethical thinking. The Finnish education system has very high learning outcomes with purposeful play and nurturing guidance from trained teachers. Children engage in both free play and play based activities throughout the school day and practice everyday skills they will need later in life.

Reggio Emilia Approach
Our curriculum, at Vera, is deeply inspired by the Reggio Emilia Philosophy, an inspiring approach to early childhood education, which values the child as strong, capable and resilient: rich with wonder and knowledge. Started by parents in collaboration with Lorris Malaguzzi in Reggio Emilia, Italy shortly after World War II, it is a child-centered approach, where teachers, parents, and the community are collaborators and partners in a child’s educational journey. The Reggio Emilia approach is based on the premise that children use many different ways to express their understanding, thoughts and creativity, “The 100 Languages of Children”. The three core principles of the Reggio approach are : “The Image of the Child”, “The Role of the Teacher” and “The Environment as the 3rd Teacher”.

Inquiry Based Teaching and Learning
The curriculum at Vera is highly influenced by the Inquiry Based Teaching and Learning approach which allows children to be curious, to connect and build their own understanding and skills through a deeper grasp of the concepts. The Inquiry based approach encourages children to continuously ask questions and be active participants of their own learning.
Child - Teacher - Environment
6 areas of Development

Communication, language & Literacy development

Development of Logical reasoning and mathematic concepts

Understanding the World

Personal, social and emotional development

Development of Physical skill

Development of Expressive Arts